2016年11月2日 星期三


How do you explain the Paris terror attacks to a child? This father found the most beautiful way

The dad has been praised for how he responded to his young son's comments - and it's even allowing some French people to 'let go of their tears'.
Since Friday, France and the rest of the world have been trying to make sense of devastating terror attacks that rocked Paris , leaving 129 people dead.
We have seen footage of people laying flowers at the site of the massacres, or silently weeping during yesterday's two-minute silence.
But one heartwarming video circulating on social media shows the 'humanity in the face of inhumanity' we have come to recognise in response to the devastation - and is even helping French people come to terms with their grief.
In an interview with Le Petit Journal in front of floral tributes left for the dead, a young boy is asked if he understands what has happened.
He responds: "Yes, because they are very, very, very bad. Baddies are not very nice. We need to be really careful because we will have to move home."
Patting his head and telling him not to worry, his father replies: "We don't have to move home. France is our home."
Still concerned, the boy says: "But they are baddies, daddy," to which his dad responds: "Yes, but there are bad people everywhere."
When the boy expresses a worry that the bad people can 'shoot at us' with their guns, the conversation takes a beautiful turn.
"But flowers do nothing," comes the response, to which Dad replies that the flowers are there to fight against the guns.
"It will protect us?" he innocently asks. "And the candles too?"
Suddenly, the boy looks visibly comforted. His worry slowly melting away, he asks again: "The flowers and candles will protect us?" - a heartwarming smile creeping across his face as his father says yes.
The interviewer asks the youngster if he feels better now, to which he replies: "Yes, I feel better."
The man has won praise for the way he dealt with his son's questions and comments - and the beautiful exchange has even enabled some French viewers to come to terms with their own grief.

Structure of the Lead
Who-the dad, his son and French people
What-the dad responded to his young son's comments - and it's even allowing some French people to 'let go of their tears'
How-the dad responded to his young son's comments - and it's even allowing some French people to 'let go of their tears'
Why-not given
When-not given
Where-not given

6.floral tributes(片語):獻花

2 則留言:

  1. According to this news,I learned how to change the other side to deal with problems.The beautiful exchange has even enabled some French viewers to come to terms with their own grief. "We don't have to move home. France is our home."I really like the sentences.The sentences change my mind about the Paris terror attacks.

  2. I think the father's education is very good. He didn't teach his child to be afraid of terror attacks,but tell him the flowers and candles will protect them. How a romantic way to relief the little boy's worry! And I learn everything has the other side. A bad thing may also be a good thing.
